
What is the difference between a psychic reading and a psychic medium reading?

First let’s explain a psychic reading.

In a psychic reading, Suzi communicates with her own and your Spirit Guides to answer your questions. Usually, a psychic reading answers your questions regarding relationships, career, spiritual path, etc. A psychic reading is performed by a psychic.

Our goal with a psychic reading is to bring you clarity and guide you in the right direction.

Now let’s explain a medium psychic reading.

In a Medium Reading, Suzi communicates with your loved one that has crossed over. Usually, a medium reading answers questions regarding your loved one such as are they okay, how they passed, facilitate forgiveness, etc. Medium readings are performed by a Psychic Medium.

Our goal with a medium reading is to bring you healing and closure and allow you to move forward in your life.

Which reading is right for me?

If you have questions regarding love life, career, or your spiritual path, then want a Psychic Reading. However, please let Suzi know whether or not you are open to receiving messages from loved ones before beginning the reading.

If you have lost a loved one and your main goal is to contact them, please schedule a Medium Reading. Please note: Suzi has no control over which of your loved ones will join the reading.



Other FAQs

Is there a difference between an In-person Reading and a Phone Reading?

No difference, Rev. Suzi can connect with you, your guides, and your loved ones that have crossed over whether you are sitting directly in front of her or a million miles away.

How do I choose the best psychic or psychic medium for me?

Do your HOMEWORK! Research your psychic medium. Take time to read through their website, read their about page, and search for their Video Testimonials.  Also, search for complaints on them personally and complaints under their business name.  Trust your instincts.

What can I expect during the reading?

You can expect a professional, private and confidential reading. Our goal is to provide you with the most accurate reading to move you forward in your life and promote healing. Our office is a peaceful space. It’s important that you feel comfortable so you can express yourself. Please know that Suzi comes from a place of acceptance and, you can trust that you are safe with her. You can be open and honest with your questions.

How often should I have a reading?

We recommend a maximum of one reading per month. Most people get four readings per year. Spirit shares information with you to guide you in the direction for your highest good. Spirit has the whole picture and only shares information you need at the moment. The information has to have time to show up in your life in divine timing. When you have too many readings too close together the information shared hasn’t had time to come full circle.

Can everyone connect to Spirit?

We believe it is our birthright to connect to Spirit. Many years ago, humans were fully connected to Spirit and Nature. It’s a gift that has to be learned, practiced, and shared.